• Missions
  • Fellowship & Outreach Committee
  • Church Family Ministries
  • Willing to do Childcare for various ministries
  • Prayer Partners
Missions Committee
Current Committee Chair: Mike Hodell

The Missions Committee helps select the missionaries that CWC supports, it keeps the church family up to date on the work of those missionaries,  and plans missionary visits/events here at the church.  They also help with planning and funding short term mission trips.


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Fellowship & Outreach Committee (FOC)
Current Committee Chair: Beth DeWeese

Those who serve on F.O.C. plan social events for the congregation as well as outreach events for our community. This is the committee that organizes potluck dinners, special fellowship events, Trunk or Treat, etc. The committee typically meets about once a quarter, with different members focusing on different events. 

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Church Family Ministries
Current Committee Chair: Tracey Perez

A committee that ministers to the needs of the people within our church. This committee coordinates funeral dinners and provides meals, gifts or services for individuals in need within the church family. It also assists with some special receptions and gatherings in the church. 

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Prayer Partners

Those who are prayer partners commit to  spend time in prayer for Church events, Leaders, and members. 

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